Facial Reflexology

Face reflexology works to identify the root cause through your current symptoms and then treats it with a proper plan.

Using hands and fingers, facial muscles and nerve endings, are stimulated and re-intigreted, opening up the energy(Chinese Meridian) channels throughout the body.

Accounts vary on when facial reflexology was developed. One variation on the molality is the Vietnamese therapy of Dien Chan also called multireflexology.

This treatment developed in the 1980s, is understood to be one of the foundation of any facial reflexology done today.one does not necessarily have to be a Dien Chan practitioner to offer facial reflexology.

Some reflex point on the face and there corresponding part of the body.

* Chin: Kidney, Bladder

* Bottom Lip: Intestines

* Upper Lip: Stomach

* Above The Lip: Spleen

* Tip Of The Nose: Heart

* Sides Of The Nose: Lunges

* Ears: Kidney

* Eye Brows: Kidney, Liver

* Upper Corners Of The Forehead: Gall Bladder

How It Works:

1. Reflexology works with the Central nervous system.

2. Reflexology reduces pain by reducing stress and improving mood.

3. Reflexology keeps the body's" vital energy " flowing.

4. Zone theory.

Benefits Of Facial Reflexology:

It may be used to assist in the treatment of specific condition to maintain ones health, on purelyfor facial rejuvenation and deep relaxation.

This therepy does not claim to curv but does greatly enhance and assist in the treatment and healing of many conditions including:

* Allergies
* Anxiety, Tension and Stress.
* Arthritic Condition
* Asthama
* Depletion
* Digestive Problem
* Hormonal Imbalance
* Immune system Problems
* Insomnia
* Infertility
* Hyperactivity
* Joint Problems
And much more.

As a bonus, the treatment also tones the skin, soften Tension line,rsduces puffiness and promotes a glowing complexion.