10 Ways To Get Rid Of Fatigue

You are only as old as you feel, the saying goes. but what if you feel old, tired and run down?

Fatigue is a common complaint, especially after people hit middle age. fortunately, there are plenty of simple ways to boost energy. some even slow the aging process.

Here are how to refill your tank when your energy levels sputters.

 1-Rule Out Health Problems:

Fatigue is a common symptom of many illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, anemia, thyroid disease and sleep apnea.
Talk to your doctor if you feel unusually tired.

2-Get Moving:

The last thing you may feel like doing when you're tired is exercising. but many studies show that physical activity boosts energy level.

3-Strike A Pose:

Although almost any exercise is good. yoga may be especially effective for boosting energy. after six weeks of once a week yoga classes, volunteers in a british study reported improvements in clear mindedness, energy and confidence.
It's never too late to try. Univesity of Oregan researchers offered yoga instruction to 135 men and women ages 65 to 85. all the end of  six months. participants reported an increased sense of well-being and a boost in overall energy.

4-Drink Plenty Of Water:

Dehydration zaps energy and impairs physical performance. our research shows that dehydration makes it harder for athletes to complete a weight lifting workout, says Dan Judelson, Phd. assistant professor of kinesiology at california state university at fullartone.
Dehydration has also been shown to decrease alertness and concentration.

How To Know If You Are Drinking Enough Water?

Urine should be pale yellow or straw colored. if it is darker than that, you need to drink water.

5-Get To Bed Early:

Lack of sleep increase the risk of accidents and is one of the leading causes of day time fatigue. the solution; get to bed early enough for full night's sleep.
When people enrolled in a 2004 Stanford University study were allowed to sleep as long as they wanted. they reported more vigor and less fatigue. good sleep habits may also have important health benifits. centenarians report better than average sleep.
If you do fall short on shut-eye, take a brief afternoon nap.napping restores wakefullness and promotes performance and learning. a 10 minutes nap is usually enough to boost energy, don't nap longer than 30 minutes. though, or you may have trouble sleeping at night.

6-Go Fish:

Good for your heart, omega-3 oilsmay also boost alertness. according to a 2009 study by scientist's at italy's university of seina, volunteers who took a fish oil capsule for 21 days demonstrated fast, mental reaction times. they also reported feeling more vigorous.

7-Keep Time With Your Body Clock:

Some peoples get a burst of energy first thing in the morning. they're often called morning larks. night owls are peoples who are at their best at the end of the day.
These individual diffrences in daily energy patterns are determined by brain structure and genetics, so they can be tough to change. instead, become aware of your own circadian rhythms. then shedeul demanding activities when your energy levels are typically at their peak.

8-Shed Extra Weight:

Losing extra weight can provide a powerful energy boost, says stewart of john hopkins university. even small reductions in body fat improve mood, vigor and quality of life.
Most weight loss experts recommend cutting back on portion sizes, eating balanced meals and increasing physical activity.

9-Eat More Often:

Some people may benefit may eating smaller meals more frequently during the day. this may help to steady your blood sugar level
Faver whole grains and other complex carbohydrates. these take longer than refined carbohydrates to digest, preventing fluctuations of blood sugar.
If you start eating more often, watch your portion sizes to avoid weight gain.

10-Stay Motivated:

Motivation can be outcome-oriented or process-oriented. rather than focusing on the out come of an activity(winning a game or losing weight), try to focus on the process(how well you play and how to do an exercise correctly). when the motivation is more intrinsic than extrinsic, you tend to enjoy the activity better.

These are some steps to get rid of fatigue.

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